Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Museum-Pittsburg

Crawford county has 2 museums, one is the Crawford County Historical Musuem In Pittsburg and the other is the Museum of Crawford County in Girard. We were not able to make the Girard one because it's only open on Sundays from 2 to 4. The one in Pittsburg is off highway 69 and down an access road. By this time I am starting to think all these county museums look the same. The same collections of old telephones,military uniforms, a school desk dating back at least 50 years, seen one you've seen them all..... Maybe not.

The volunteer working this Saturday was 91 years young and spent a lot of time we were there working on the henge of an old medical supply cabinet from a doctors office. Oh Yeah, they all seem to have a supply of old medical equipment.He came up to each of us and shared a story about what ever we were looking at, I was impressed by the old Frank Sinatra albums. He had a story about the collection of old sports trophies from a high school,Arcadia High than hasn't been around since the mid 60's. I like the idea the trophies are still around, they mean a lot to the people sitting in the stands and gyms , they are well preserved and I say "Go Tigers !!!!". The volunteer told us his son lives in Lawrence, but he doesn't get up that way much anymore. He also told us every town has a story, I agree, read this blog.

The story here ranges from dioramas of dinosaurs and Indians, to coal mines to Miss America from 1965. Pictures contains here in

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