Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fort Leavenworth

To continue the journey through Leavenworth.

A brief history of the Fort from Wiki

It had been a long time since I've been on a Military base and it is it's own little city. Coming in the gate to the right was the commissary which looks like a box store ,big parking lot and Commissary spelled out in big letters on the side of the building. First to get in you got to have ID and the driver needs insurance. We had to get out of the car, step away from the car and open the trunk ,hood and all the door. It was no big deal, took but a few minutes and the reason is obvious.

The bluff overlook the river is beautiful (shown in the Lewis and Clark entry). There is a Musuem with the carriage used by Lincoln when he visited the area. The book store had a wide variety of stuff,I came away with a coffee mug, a couple of books about ghosts who enhabit the fort and a postcard of the Federal Prison that is next door.

There is a driving tour available which hits 16 spots ranging from the parade ground,driving by the Command and General Staff College, the National Cemetary and the old US Displiary Barracks and the Buffalo Solider Monument. I know the Buffalo Solider story first from the song by Bob Marley. The second group was formed at the fort.
When we went to the Monument we saw a group of bikers, must have been over a hundred from the Buffalo Solider Motorcycle club also visiting the Monument.

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