Thursday, June 4, 2009

US Displinary Barracks- Fort Leavenworth

some links about the USDB and cemetary

There is a new USDB but it's off the driving tour. The Cemetary is fasinating,over 200 people are buried there whose bodies were never claimed by family. The graves are pointed in North/South direction as opposed to the National Cemetary were the graves are pointed in East/West seeing the rising and setting sun. It does not take a complex internet search to see what they did to earn a stay in the barracks.

The last row is prehaps the most interesting one, 14 German POWs.They have their own row and interesting were the only graves decorated this week after Memorial Day. The flowers as shown in the pictures are Red,Yellow and Black, the colors of the German flag.
So ends the visit to Leavenworth

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